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Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A,Guttenberg, NJ USA 07093    +(00-1) 551 482 7568   
Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A,Guttenberg, NJ USA 07093    +(00-1) 551 482 7568   

What are Processing Equipment Services and Types?

What are Processing Equipment Services and Types?

Date:3 January, 2023   |   No Comments   |   Posted By Team Alaquainc

Equipment that uses physical or chemical methods to increase the value of a raw material or product is referred to as processing equipment. Alaqua offers processing equipment such as crystallizers, spray dryers, and other products. A large number of customers have undoubtedly stated that we provide the most reliable processing equipment services. We work with a variety of industries, including environmental, food, dairy, and beverage. We’ve explained our equipment and services below. Hope you find this helpful!

Processing Equipment Types:


An evaporator is a device that converts liquids to a gaseous state.   A  downstream processing system employs several stages to isolate and purify the desired product. Pretreatment, solid-liquid separation, and concentration are all part of the overall process structure. In downstream processing, widely employed for concentrating foods, chemicals, and salvaging solvents, evaporation aims to vaporize the majority of the water in a solution containing the desired product.

Solvent Recovery Systems:-

Using distillation, these machines separate solutions. Vapor degreasers boil and condense, with benefits including lower waste impact and reduced solvent purchases.


This machine concentrates feed into solid crystals and clean water. Crystallization is a solid-liquid separation technique that involves the formation of solid crystals from a liquid solution. They can remove liquid wastes, resulting in zero liquid discharge. Indeed, people use them alone or in combination with other technologies. Crystallizers recover salts from wastewater, and users can then utilize or sell the recovered salts. A crystallizer maximizes waste stream usage while also assisting plants in meeting zero liquid discharge (ZLD) requirements.

Heat Exchangers:-

A heat exchanger transfers heat from one medium to another. It finds common applications in space heating, refrigeration, and power plants. For example, a radiator in a car is a heat exchanger, in which a hot engine-cooling fluid, such as antifreeze, transfers heat to air flowing through the radiator.

Distillation Equipment:-

Distillation is a method of separating chemical substances in a boiling liquid mixture based on differences in their volatilities. As it is usually part of a larger chemical process, it is referred to as a unit operation. As a matter of fact, distillation has a variety of commercial applications. It separates crude oil into different fractions for various applications. Distillers use water to eliminate impurities like salt from seawater. Industries distill air to separate its constituents, particularly oxygen, nitrogen, and argon. Throughout history, people have employed distillation of fermented solutions to create distilled beverages with higher alcohol content.

Spray Dryers:-

A spray dryer, as the name implies, is a drying device that uses a spray. It evaporates a heated gas and a sprayed liquid stream in a drying chamber. As a result, it produces a free-flowing dry powder with a controlled average particle size. A spray drying unit operation includes atomizing a solution or slurry, a source of hot air such as a waste flue gas, and so on.

Processing Equipment Services:

Installation and Commission:-

Alaqua designs the structure to withstand the weights of the equipment and forces expected during operation and flooding by epoxy painting or hot-dip galvanizing the beams for the structural steel. They weld or bolt the framework and securely mount subsystems within battery limits, such as piping, heaters, field instrumentation, etc. The structural components’ connections are welded. In this case, the customer submits the geological data to its Structural Engineering Subcontractor.

Training of Personnel:-

Alaqua provides assistance during the commissioning and startup of the equipment for a per diem fee. We train the Customer’s designated personnel in proper operating and maintenance procedures. The client collaboratively determines the duration of the supplier’s on-site representation for startup and testing. The Customer may also send key personnel to our fabrication facility to allow studying the inner workings of the evaporator and the design of each individual subsystem. At no cost, but the customer bears the responsibility for covering the transportation and living expenses of the personnel. We also provide troubleshooting services. We supply worldwide to meet your processing needs and have repeatedly proven to be the best processing equipment supplier.

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