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Alaqua 7004 Boulevard East, Suite 28A,Guttenberg, NJ USA 07093    +(00-1) 551 482 7568   

Sulphuric acid concentration and its application

Sulphuric acid concentration and its application

Date:27 February, 2020   |   No Comments   |   Posted By Team Alaquainc

Commercial Sulphuric acid is a reasonably-priced commodity and the diluted and impure acid does not have proper marketplace potential. Neutralizing with lime causes solid disposal issues, particularly with calcium sulfate, and also increases the overall cost.

New technologies are trending in the know-how of designing engineering services for a sulfuric acid concentration system. This system reconcentrates the dilute sulfuric acid generated to a preferred level for reuse, triumphing over these issues.That is to say a twofold benefit of casting off the disposal trouble and minimizing fresh commercial acid requirement.


It has widely varied uses and plays some part in the production of many useful products.
Fertilizer PRODUCTION, e.g., superphosphate of lime and ammonium sulfate.
MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS e.g. hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulfate salts, synthetic detergents, dyes and pigments, explosives, and drugs.

REIGNING PETROLEUM -To wash impurities out of gasoline and other refinery products.
METAL PROCESSING, – In pickling (cleaning) iron and steel before plating them with tin or zinc.
MAKING RAYON- used in making rayon which serves as the electrolyte in a lead-acid battery.


The process is extremely simple & involves concentrating dilute sulfuric add through evaporation using steam/thermic fluid as heating media underneath vacuum. Preheating the dilute feed and feeding it to a sequence of evaporators increases the concentration level. Condensing the vapors from the evaporators and draining them out through barometric legs removes non-condensables through an ejector. Cooling the final product and drawing it into the storage tank completes the process.

Evaporating water strengthens sulfuric acid (and other acids).It would be a good idea to wash the surface down with the dilute, basic solutions.Take care while cleaning it up.
Alaquainc provides an evaporator equipped with a Vacuum to create low waste (zero waste). You can opt for an evaporator for your new startup and business. Very efficient for dyes manufacture, fertilizer preparation, chemical, drugs battery formation, etc.

We specialize in evaporators, distillers, and installing equipment, and we provide training for machinery if required. For further information contact us.

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